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Thursday, November 3rd, 2022

Shoutout to the Jr. Boys Volleyball team who played the tough SCS team last night. Even with the coach messing up the positions, the guys rallied together and played some amazing volleyball scoring 20 points a set keeping the game constantly close. Even with the loss, the post season is looking promising after that game - keep up the good work! Practice tonight after school - let us know in the Heja app if you are able to attend.


Attention boys interested in trying out for the Varsity Hockey Team.

Please sign-up on the sheet posted outside the Phys-Ed office by the end of this week.

Players are also asked to complete the tryout form also located outside the Phys-Ed office prior to the first tryout.

Tryouts will begin next week.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow or Mr. Lichty.