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The religious dimension of learning is a distinctive feature of curriculum in Catholic secondary schools. Religious Education plays a vital role in enabling our young people to learn the knowledge, attitudes, and skills necessary to meet the challenges of our rapidly changing, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious society as they develop their human and religious identities.

Holy Trinity Catholic High School offers courses in Religious Education that function both as educational and religious experiences. Courses are developed with recognition of the centrality of Jesus in our lives, the dignity of the human person, and the importance of ethical and moral decision-making. Students enrolled at Holy Trinity are required to complete four (4) religion credits during their four years of secondary education.

Courses in Religious Education

At the grade nine level, students are invited to a deeper understanding of both the joy and the demands of following in the way of Christ and living out the call to discipleship.

In grade ten, students are provided with the opportunity to acquire a deeper and more systematic knowledge of Christ, his message and his Church.

Grade eleven students are introduced to the various expressions of humanity’s responses to the mystery of life’s meaning through the study of the major religions of the world.

The grade twelve course is directed toward the clear identification of Catholic moral principles and the concrete application of these principles in the lives of the students.

Grade twelve Philosophy is also offered and is designed specifically for university bound students. The course focuses on the development of critical thinking skills, the main ideas expressed by philosophers from a variety of the world’s traditions, contemporary social issues and personal experiences. The course will also help students to become stronger logical thinkers and refine skills used in researching and investigating topics in philosophy. 

Religious Studies and Humanities Department Informational Videos

Religious Studies and Humanities from BHNCDSB on Vimeo.

Social Sciences and Humanities from BHNCDSB on Vimeo.