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  • A couple of messages from guidance.  

  • Any students with outstanding textbooks or Phys-ed jerseys please return them to the office as soon as possible. Students who do not return these items will be called down to the office to arrange return or payment for the item. 


  • Important announcement for all student tour guides helping with Open House tonight! There is a brief meeting with Mrs. Hanson immediately following announcements in guidance. 


  • Attention all students attending Costa Rica-we have less than 2 months before we depart for a trip of a lifetime! If  you have not already brought back your medical forms to either Mrs. Bouw or Mr. Peixoto, please bring them to one of us by this Thursday at the latest.

  • Congratulations to the girls ice hockey team! Yesterday they defeated Waterford and Delhi in regular season play in Hagersville. The coaches are proud of the team effort and wish all the players success in their 1st semester classes!


  • Attention members of the Boys Varsity Hockey Team.

    The boys are asked to attend a mandatory meeting in Mr. VanParys room (room 242) at the beginning of lunch today regarding tomorrow’s game at 9:00 am at Talbot Gardens against Assumption College. 

  • Attention Swim Team members:  Reminder that practices are continuing Friday and Tuesdays after school.  We will see you at the pool tonight at 3:3o.


  • Attention Book Clubbers! See you today, at lunch, in the library, for all things books!


    There is a Music Ministry practice at lunch today in the music room.  We'll be going over all the songs for the Evening of Praise this Friday. See the Heja App for the song sheets

  • "Attention Holy Trinity musicians, if you are a member of the Holy Trinity Intermediate Band, congratulations, you have graduated, and you are now a member of the Holy Trinity Concert Band!

  • Attention Grade 9s! After school tutoring is now open 4 days a week! Tutoring will run Mondays to Thursdays until exams begin. The final day of after school tutoring for this semester will be Wednesday, January 22nd. See Ms Fry in TLC to sign up! (Run this announcement until Wednesday) 

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