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Friday, November 4, 2022

Attention boys interested in trying out for the Varsity Hockey Team.

Please sign-up on the sheet posted outside the Phys-Ed office by the end of this week.

Players are also asked to complete the tryout form also located outside the Phys-Ed office prior to the first tryout.

Tryouts will begin next week.

If you have any questions, please contact Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow or Mr. Lichty.


There has been a job posted on the jobs board in guidance for a part time student assistant with HN Reach. 


Grads have been emailed the link to book your grad photo session if the fees have been paid. Please be sure to check your school email.


The junior and senior girls basketball teams ended their regular season last night in Delhi. 

The juniors came back from an early season loss against the Raiders and defeated the team 49-29. Awesome defence by Maeve Surprun, Sweed Thornewell, Gabby Moore and Selena Grey. Top scorers were Sweed Thornewell with 16, Aaliyah Hoover with 10 and Rachael Rogers with 10. 

The seniors ended the regular season with undefeated record and secured the semi-finals at home in the HT gym next Tuesday. Great work girls. 

Come out and support the junior and senior girls teams on Tuesday as they fight to win the AABHN title!