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Tuesday, March 19th, 2024

- Volunteer hours opportunity!

Delhi skating club is looking for volunteers this Saturday to help run their annual carnival. Please see Ms Hanson asap if you are interested!


Attention Grade 11 and 12 students interested in attending the Health Science Discovery Days at Western University on Friday, May 3rd, - please come to a brief but important meeting Tuesday (today) at the beginning of lunch in room 246. If you have previously expressed an interest you would have also received an e-mail from Mrs. Bouw yesterday. 

Also- the Health Care Club will not be meeting this week- our next scheduled meeting will be on Wednesday March 27th.New members are always welcome.


 Beginning today, students on spare will use the Drop-In computers only. 

Classes that have the computer lab booked have priority.


If you plan to spend your time playing games, please do not come to the library because the computers are for school work only.