Thursday, October 31st, 2024
Attention Book Club,
Come to a spooky book club meeting today where you'll get to pick up your first book!
Can ALL students who spends lunch time in games club come down to the lower cafeteria right after announcements for a VERY important meeting, that's all students who spend lunchtime in Mr. Bate's room 231, whether that's as often as every day or just once or twice a month.
Music Ministry Practice will start today for both singers and instrumentalists at 11:45am AFTER the costume contest. Please be sure to eat before coming to the practice in the music room (room #147)
Attention boys interested in trying out for the Varsity Boys Hockey Team.
Please sign up on the sheet posted outside of the Phys-Ed office.
First tryout will be Thursday, Nov. 14 at Talbot Gardens from 3:00 – 4:00 pm.
If you have any questions, contact either Mr. VanParys, Mr. Martinow, Mr. Lichty or Mr. Maitz.
There will be a brief French Club meeting today at lunch in room 148 at the beginning of lunch. See you there!
Attention grads, if you have paid your grad fees you would have received the link to book your grad photo session, please check your school email. If you did not receive the link but should have, please see Michele in guidance.